A 'soft curfew' 5am-7pm allows essential movement during daytime while a 'hard curfew' exists 7pm-5am and 24 hours a day on Sundays.

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COVID-19 In The Cayman Islands

Latest Figures On COVID-19


Worried You Might Have COVID-19?

Start a confidential COVID-19 self-assessment.


Latest Advice

Read more on the jingle open call results here.

Even though we may be limited in our movements and practicing social distancing to stay safe, you can still stay connected to your Cayman Community. Learn about what's happening with your neighbours and the community at large. Also you can share your community ideas, activities and events by using #StayingHomeIsCaymanKind on your social posts.

Click to Join in Now!

You may engage in outdoor exercise, which includes walking your pet. This may be done alone or together with one family member living at the same residence, for no more than an hour-and-a-half each day, between the hours of 5:15am and 6:45pm Monday to Saturday. You may not drive to your exercise location. Read more

All beaches are closed until further notice. No activities of any kind will be allowed. Persons who live on property with beach access are not allowed beyond the high water mark of their property.

This restriction has been imposed by the Commissioner of Police and will be strictly enforced. Read more

Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman answers frequently asked questions on April 15. Read more

The Office of the Ombudsman is aware of concerns that individuals are seeking to identify, and even publicly expose, people who are infected with COVID-19. Aside from the moral, ethical and societal implications surrounding the stigma associated with naming and shaming another human being, there are legal implications if sensitive personal data is made public. Read more.

Homemade masks can be useful when acting as a partial barrier to stop droplet spread of the virus responsible for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).  That said, we must be cautious when considering using them as protection against the transmission of COVID-19 cannot be guaranteed. Read more

If you have an urgent need to travel between the Cayman Islands and any other destination, please click here to submit your information using our new online tool. Alternatively, contact 244-3333 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm or email emergencytravel@gov.ky. 

Important must read information for Caymanians and Cayman Islands residents returning to the Cayman Islands. Read more

Emergency supplementary funding will provide temporary food assistance to non-Caymanians who qualify and are unable to leave the Cayman Islands or who find themselves out of work due to the impact of COVID-19. Work permit holders who need urgent support may apply for a food voucher here.

For matters relating to support from the Needs Assessment Unit, contact NAUInfo@gov.ky or speak to a representative Monday to Thursday between 9am and 1pm.

A -K last names call: 

L-Z last names call:

Other numbers: 

Anyone seeking to access services from the NAU as first-time client should first complete this pre-assessment form.

Micro and Small Businesses can learn more about relief measures funded by the Cayman Islands Government on our Business Guidance page. 

For more hotlines and support click here.

Stay home as much as possible and only leave for essential trips in accordance with restrictions on movement by curfew and by last name. Local supplies are not running short. Only essential trips by one member of the household should be considered and children should stay home. Read more

If you entered the Cayman Islands on or after Monday, 16 March, you are required to self-isolate along with all other members of your household for 14 full days.

Any person who displays symptoms of COVID-19 (coughing, fever, shortness of breath) or who has had contact with someone suspected to have COVID-19 should also self-isolate for 14 days along with their household.

Read more on self-isolation here.

During times of crisis you may find that your moods and feelings are affected. It's okay not to be okay. Caring professionals are here for you. Call 1-800-534-6463(MIND) Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm to talk to our Mental Health Hotline.

Find out how to get other assistance you may need here.

Avoid all but essential travel until there is a measurable change in the global situation. Local airports and sea ports are currently closed to all international passengers.

There is also heightened concern with inter-island travel due to the high percentage of elderly persons residing in the Sister Islands. Read more

Policies In Action

Amendments to the National Pensions Law were passed in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday, 23 April 2020 to provide for a pension holiday from 1 April to 30 September 2020 or such later date as may be appointed by Order made by the Cabinet. Qualifying pension plan members may also withdraw funds from their account subject to certain provisions. Read more.

Referred to as "Shelter in Place", the daytime "soft" curfew Monday to Saturday allows reasonable movement of persons between 5am and 7pm for essential activities such as access to supermarkets, pharmacies and banks.

Access to pharmacies and healthcare facilities are not restricted by last name. However, adults with the last name beginning in A through K will be allowed to conduct other essential travel to public places such as supermarkets and banks on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Adults with the last name beginning in L through Z will be allowed to conduct such essential travel on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and to banks on Fridays. These provisions are in place across all three Islands. Individuals with hyphenated or multiple surnames should use the first letter of the first surname.

Persons are also allowed to exercise outdoors - including walking a pet - for up to 90 minutes between 5:15am and 6:45pm either alone or with one other person who is a member of the same residence. You may not drive to your exercise location.

No activities of any kind will be allowed in the water, along the coastline up to the high water mark, or on any public beach. There is no exception for exercise, including swimming, walking, jogging, or line fishing from the shore or a dock.

Read more on Curfew & Social Distancing

Public transportation services are currently suspended and bus depots are closed.

Taxis are limited to no more than 2 passengers to ensure each passenger is able to distance himself or herself as far as possible from the other passenger and the driver.

In addition to Shelter in Place "soft" curfew regulations, the "hard" curfew remains in effect from 7pm in the evening until 5am in the morning each day and for 24 hours on Sundays, i.e. for the full 34 hours from 7pm on Saturday evening through 5am the following Monday morning.

Persons are required to remain in their homes and premises during these "hard" curfew hours unless the Commissioner of Police has exempted them from doing so in writing. 

Read more on Curfew & Social Distancing

No more than 2 persons who are not members of the same household are allowed to gather in public for any reason. Private parties which include any person from outside of the immediate household are banned and private strata pools, strata gyms and playgrounds are to be closed.

Health care facilities, supermarkets, convenience stores and mini-marts, pharmacies, retail banks, building societies, credit unions and gas stations are exempt from the ban on public gatherings. However, the owner or operator must restrict the number of customers in order to maintain social distancing. No matter the size, convenience stores and mini-marts are limited to no more than 6 customers at any time.

Weddings are not to include 10 or more people other than the bride, groom, official witnesses and the marriage officer. Funerals are only allowed to be attended by up to 10 members of the immediate family, 6 pallbearers, at least 1 officiant, and essential mortuary staff. 

While workplaces are not considered public places, only essential operations are open and even essential staff must work remotely at home if they are able.

Read more on Public Gathering Bans & School Closures

Only essential establishments, institutions, businesses, organisations and offices are allowed to be open and hours are restricted. Non-exempt operations must also comply with the ban on gatherings of more than 2 people (not including staff).

Restaurants are only to provide drive-through services, take out, delivery, or curb side collection of food. Food may only be collected from restaurants until 6pm. Delivery services are only allowed to operate until 9pm.

There are no exceptions to the requirement to maintain a distance of at least six feet (two metres) between individuals who are not members of the same household while in a public place. Essential establishments, institutions, businesses, organisations and offices that remain open must also provide for social distancing.

Supermarkets, convenience stores, mini-marts, pharmacies and gas or refilling stations are only allowed to operate between the hours of 6am and 6pm. Retail banks, building societies and credit unions are only allowed to operate between the hours of 9am and 1pm. Health care facilities are not restricted in their hours of operation.

Construction sites and works are banned apart from urgent home plumbing, electrical or roof repairs. 

It is not permitted to visit a person who is in quarantine or isolation, a detainee in a prison or place of detention, a patient in a health care facility, or a residential home care facility.

Read more on Curfew & Social Distancing

Airports are closed to international passengers, all cruise ships and private yachts are banned, and travel to the Sister Islands is restricted to residents and essential personnel. Read more.

In addition to the establishment of the Cayman Islands Centre for Business Development, Government has implemented a number of measures to support local business and commerce. These include financial assistance for small and medium businesses and the transport industry, temporary waiver of Trade & Business Licensing fees, extension of the temporary layoff period for most industries, virtual conduct of notarial acts, and others. Read more.


We Work With

What is COVID-19?

The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, which was first identified in Wuhan City, China in 2019. The COVID-19 virus (which is called SARS-CoV-2) is a member of the coronavirus family (a group of viruses) that has never been encountered before. 


What Are the Symptoms?

The virus most commonly causes:

  • coughing 
  • fever
  • tiredness
  • breathing difficulties

These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually but commonly occur within 1-10 days after a person has been exposed.

Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell. Around 1 out of every 6 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. 


How Do I Get More Information?

This official Cayman Islands Government website includes a lot of helpful information that is constantly being updated, including a detailed explanation of the Daytime "Soft" Curfew and Nighttime "Hard" Curfew that are in place, answers to Frequently Asked Questions and details of Policies in Action. We also have a list of helplines for critical services.

If you have medical questions, many resources are available on this website and at www.hsa.ky/coronavirus. If you can't find what you're looking for or have a question about your specific situation, contact your General Practitioner or the 24-hour Flu Hotline on 1-800-534-8600 or 925-6327 (Flow) or 947-3077 (Digicel) or email flu@hsa.ky . If you have a medical emergency dial 911.

If you have a non-medical question and can't find the answer on this website, contact the National Emergency Operations Centre hotline on 1-800-534-6555 or email NEOC@gov.ky.


Cayman Islands Community & COVID-19

We may be limited in our physical movements by practicing social distancing to stay safe. What you can still do is stay connected to your Cayman Community. Learn about what's happening with your neighbours and the community at large here.


Regional Tracker & WHO Situation Reports

Get updates from the Pan American Health Organization here. Get global updates from the World Health Organization here.


COVID-19 Latest Live Update


Household guidance for coronavirus in Cayman Islands

Guidance for households with possible COVID-19 infection. Read more

Vulnerable people and carers advice for coronavirus in Cayman Islands
Information for vulnerable people at high risk and their carers. Read more
Business guidance for coronavirus in the Cayman Islands

Information on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) including guidance for businesses. Read more

Education guidance for coronavirus in the Cayman Islands
COVID-19 information for schools and other educational settings. Read more
Countries Travel Advice 10 March v2

Travel advice and restrictions from the Cayman Islands Government. Read more

Mental wellbeing for dealing with coronavirus in the Cayman Islands
Information on maintaining your mental well-being and safety. Read more
Latest News On Coronavirus Graphic Newspaper

Information for the public, including on the current situation in the Cayman Islands. Read more

Catch it wash it trash it

An explanation of how COVID-19 is spread and how to avoid catching or spreading the virus. Read more

Resources and links

Download our graphics, videos, informational booklets and other resources on COVID-19. Read more

Frontline Staff

Information for front-line and essential workers on COVID-19 in Cayman Islands and information on policies. Read more

Policies in action

Information the public on COVID-19 policies in Cayman Islands. Read more


Information the hotlines and contact details to get information and support in Cayman Islands. Read more



What is COVID-19? 

The information and studies we are receiving on COVID-19 grow by the day, and so does the understanding. The advice from our Chief Medical Officer is that shared by national public health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control in the USA, Public Health England and the World Health Organization. Read more.


What is Government doing to address COVID-19?

Here on our official website, you can find the most up to date news and information about Government's response to COVID-19. This includes Policies in Action to protect our community and save lives.


What should I do if I think I have COVID-19?

Unless you require emergency medical care, stay home. Call your General Practitioner or the 24-hour Flu Hotline on 1-800-534-8600 or 947-3077 for advice if you are not managing. Depending on your symptoms and travel history you will most likely be advised to self-isolate at home. A member of the Health Services Authority will visit you at your home. Read more.


What should businesses do?

The Cayman Islands Government issued advice on how businesses and commerce can prepare ahead of a potential community case. We are also keeping this website updated to reflect the latest policies, advice and Government relief measures for businesses. Read more


View all of our frequently asked questions on COVID-19 here.

Prevention Tips


The best way to protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID-19 is to practice these three tips:

  • Catch it. Catch a cough or sneeze in a tissue. If you have nothing to use, use your elbow and not your hands.
  • Bin it. Bin the tissues after use. Viruses can live for hours in tissues.
  • Kill it. By avoiding close contact with those suffering from acute respiratory illness, avoiding travel if you have flu-like symptoms (or a cough or a fever) we can help kill the virus.


Cayman Prepared

Hazard Management Cayman Islands has overall responsibility for the national Comprehensive Disaster Management programme, including preparedness, response, mitigation and recovery.

HMCI is responsible for the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC), which is activated to direct and coordinate the response to national threats. Read more.














Press Room

Friday, 1 May Government Update: One positive result among 392 results announced, new regulations coming into effect Monday include opening of money remittance facilities and other additional essential services, hard curfew will also be extended with changes, support for local musicians. Read more
Governor and Premier Welcome Disaster Relief Funds. Read more
COVID-19 Testing Boosted. Read more
Visiting the Post Office During COVID-19 Soft Curfew. Read more
Special Measures for Collecting Dutiable Items During COVID-19 Soft Curfew. Read more
Clearing a Box Inside the General Post Office During Soft Curfew. Read more
Visiting the Post Office During COVID-19 Soft Curfew. Read more
Cayman Improves COVID Testing Resilience. Read more
WORC Employment Services Seeing Positive Results. Read more
High Demand Prompts Extra CAL Flight to Honduras. Read more
Wednesday 29 April, Government Update: 200 negative test results announced, with 200 people in Government isolation facilities, International Mail currently not available though limited postal services are available, DVDL allowing extended vehicle inspection certificate online, all beaches remain closed. Read more

More Information

Flatten The Curve: Public Gathering Bans & School Closures Slow Spread

A number of proactive measures have been taken in the Cayman Islands to slow the spread of coronavirus disease that causes the virus know as COVID-19. Alongside these announcements comes the closure of all education facilities as of Monday 16 March through to the end of the 2019/2020 academic...

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How To Exercise At Home During COVID-19

You don’t need a gym to stay in shape. You can stay home and stay fit during curfew with some creativity and modifications to your current exercise plan.

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Government School Staff Going Above and Beyond

Feeding the Mind, Body and Soul of our Future


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Stay Inside Save Lives: 24 Fun Things To Do Inside Over Easter

We understand how important Easter weekend is to the Cayman Islands, especially given the significance of the holiday to families.

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When & Why To Wear A Mask In The Cayman Islands

Homemade masks can be useful when acting as a partial barrier to stop droplet spread of the virus responsible for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).  That said, we must be cautious when considering using them as protection against the transmission of COVID-19 cannot be guaranteed.

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Small Business Continuity During COVID-19 In the Cayman Islands

We understand that businesses have been impacted by COVID-19 in the Cayman Islands.  With non-essential workers being asked to stay at home in order to reduce the spread of the virus and to protect the community, as well as a decrease in customers, such as tourists, your business’s...

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